One of my favorite pleasures of Halloween is not feeling too bad about indulging in a couple of extra sweets in one sitting, along with a couple of glasses of water to drink from afterward, and an adequate time for toothbrushing.
I loved getting tons of different treats when I was trick-or-treating as a kid, especially when I’d be given a heaping handful of sweets. I’m pretty sure my eyes twinkled just like they do in anime whenever I’d see the treasure.
I still also feel very excited seeing grocery store aisles lined up with chocolates and candies galore. I always feel tempted to grab one bag each and keep them all to myself. Living with my sweet tooth for over two decades, I have a feeling the bags would be empty within a week or two.
*Innocently looks somewhere else*
Anyways, part of being in the Halloween spirit is remembering all of the literal sweetness that defined my holiday season. I’m also hoping this would motivate me to try to get my hands on them this year, as I haven’t been touching many sweets for years, except chocolate.
Those marked with a heart are my absolute favorites!
Halloween Sweets
- Milk Duds
- Milk Maid Caramels
- Twix
- Payday
- Hubba Bubba
- Dubble Bubble
- Orbit
- 5 Gum
- Bazooka
- Trident
- Toblerone
- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
- 3 Musketeers
- Hershey's Bar
- Baby Ruth
- Oh Henry!
- KitKat
- Hershey's Kisses
- M&M's
- Dars
- Nestle Crunch
- Dove
- Butterfinger
- Tootsie Rolls
- Whoppers
- Milky Way
- Godiva
- 100 Grand
- Hershey's Cookies N' Cream
- Snickers
- Skittles
- Dots
- Lifesavers
- Jelly Belly Jellybeans
- Gummy Bears
- Fruit Gushers
- Sour Patch Kids
- Hi-Chew
- Jolly Ranchers
- Peppermints
- Icebreaker Mints
- American Smarties
- Runts
- Hot Tamales
- Arcor Strawberry Bon Bons
- Cracker Jack
- Lifesavers
- Nerds
- Twizzlers
- Baby Bottle Pops
- Tootsie Pops
- Dum Dums
- Blow Pops
- Ring Pops
- Airheads
- Starbursts
- Laffy Taffy
Halloween is probably the sweetest holiday of the year (in terms of treats),
so for those with strong sweet tooths like me, remember to pace and monitor your sweetness level intake and take care of your mouth.
Let's Chat!
What candies and treats were/are you most excited to eat this Halloween?