I was wandering through
A beautiful flowery field.
Sunflowers –
My favorites are
Amongst the millions
Of colorful gems
That surround me.
My smile radiates
With happiness
And gratitude.
Just as I was about
To take a step towards
The other flowers, I
Feel the ground shake
Beneath me.
Before I could hit the
Ground, I jerk awake
And find me in the arms
Of my love.
He was carrying me towards
Our home.
I hadn’t realized that my
Little rendezvous with the
Sunset lulled me to
Sensing my gaze on him,
My love kisses my
Forehead and felt
It was necessary to
Gently scold me for the
Thousandth time about
Catching a cold if I constantly
Nap by the ocean at sunset.
Smiling, I wrap my arms
Around his neck and snuggle
Deeper into his chest.
He sighs in defeat,
Knowing that my stubbornness
Is included with my
Entire being.
And in his mind,
He wouldn’t have it
Any other way.
As we reach the landing
Of our patio,
I smell a delicious
Gourmet of heaven.
My eyes glow in
Excitement for this
Feast about to be
Devoured by two
Food lovers.
As we consume our
Dinner, we converse
About our days.
I love hearing him
Go over how his day
Went – the excitement
In his eyes about
Doing what he loves
Makes me fall deeper
For him every day.
His mind is a boundless
Realm of
Creative and innovative
Ideas. The way
He speaks about
His colleagues –
A leader full of
Admiration and belief
In his team. That
They can go above
And beyond what
The world expects
Of them.
We continue our
Dinner, making
Some banter
Every now and then.
Afterward, we
Clean up
And make our way
Towards our living
Room couch.
Ah, I forget.
Can’t have our movie
Routine without a
Couple of sweets,
Mainly chocolate,
For my
Beloved sweet tooth.
Once my treasure
Is safe in my arms,
I join him on our
Couch as he looks
For our movie of the night.
Tonight’s genre is
Supernatural horror.
As per our deal,
He will only watch
Horror as long as he
Gets to hold me tight
In his arms.
Do I mind?
Absolutely not.
A little over two
Hours later,
His hands are
Tangled in my
Hair, lips fighting
For dominance,
Skin hot against
Each other’s as we
Wash away the day’s
Our love reaching
Euphoria as our
Souls become one
In the
As life prepares
Itself for the next
Day, I focus on
The love and happiness
I feel at this very moment.
Not just with the presence
Of my love,
But with the presence
Of living.
Not all days consist
Of a similar routine.
Not all days are
But for each day that
I get to breathe in
The presence of
Reaching my goals,
Spiritually and mentally
And sharing
These adventures
And comfortable
Lifestyle with those
I love dearly,
Every day is a
Perfect day.
Just as tonight is
A beautiful night.