Celebrating Lefties

According to holidays being celebrated around the world, August 13 is International Left Hander’s Day.

Being a leftie myself, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to appreciate being a part of the 10% lefty’s club. I would say I’ve prided myself in being part of this club for as long as I can remember. I find it a unique trait of mine that I’m glad no one can ever take away from me. I never minded being one nor was I ever ashamed of being different because of it.

However, it does still surprise me when people see me writing with my left hand and then ask the most popular question for lefties: “You’re a lefty?”

Yes. Yes, I am.

I am also extremely grateful for being a lefty at a time when having it as my dominant hand isn’t going to shun me or forcibly train me to be a righty or both a.k.a ambidextrous. My parents did say they tried to get me to write with my right hand, but alas, even as a child, I was too stubborn for my own good. So, my parents left it at that – no pun intended.

Before celebrating lefties, I’d like to make it clear that I don’t fully trust many articles about lefties and their advantages to righties and vice versa. I personally do not believe that our physical traits determine our strengths and abilities in life. Whether you’re a left- or right-handed person, you can do anything you’ve ever dreamt of achieving so long as you have the determination, belief, and passion to do so. Being lefty or righty doesn’t make you any less than anyone else who’s striving to do their best every single day. I’ve met and befriended dozens of right-handed people who are able to go above and beyond the traits that are claimed to be surpassed by lefties.

The Myths

These are myths I’ve come across reading multiple articles, ones people have shared with me, or that I just happened to stumble upon. I either find them to be lacking truth, or to be completely true, at least based on my own personal qualities and experiences. I won’t cover everything as I’ve mentioned above I am already strongly against traits that lefties possess based on being a lefty alone.


I may have misbehaved and rebelled against the popular opinion or familial career paths, but have I thought about taking over the world like Obito Uchiha (if you know, you know)? No. Being 10% of the population, it probably would have raised questions centuries ago. But, nowadays, lefties have gone on to take over the world as leaders in helping the nation, such as Barack Obama. Being different used to be, let’s face it, taboo. Yet, the world itself goes through thousands of differences, and changes, and it gets more challenging staying the same. Be different. It’s exciting. Am I cursed? I don’t know. I’ve never felt like an outcast in the case of being a lefty. Have I had terrible things happen to me? Definitely. Everyone has. It’s life. Life doesn’t pick on people out of random just because they feel like it.


Are we more creative? Being a leftie doesn’t define this. Are we more likely to enter a creative field? I believe this. I’ve read about multiple well-known and respected lefties who are in creative fields. Also, I am a creative pursuing a field in writing, design, and other ventures. Are we more intelligent? Being a leftie doesn’t define this. Do we have just as much chance to get accepted into an Ivy League Institution? Yes, with hard work, perseverance, and determination. Are we more introverted? I don’t know. I am introverted myself, but I can’t speak for the general lefty population.


There are tons of articles about lefties and sports, but I don’t have that much experience in the sporting world as I always felt I couldn’t excel in them. I wasn’t naturally talented in sports, but I do enjoy watching and playing basketball and US soccer, as well as being proactive in swimming. I think if I practice just as much as other athletes, I can become decent in these sports. One thing I can put out is that I’m not fond of baseball at all because not only am I bad at it, but it was a struggle looking for a lefty’s baseball glove during PE class.


As far as I know, I don’t get sick easily, nor do I have any serious health-related concerns, especially if I’m going off in terms of genetics. Since junior high, I have never missed a day of school. The only cause for me to catch the flu/cold is a massive change in weather. Other than that, I’m grateful to be a healthy human being. As for the health benefits, I didn’t really look into them. I feel that being lefty or righty shouldn’t play a factor in someone’s health seeing as there are more scientific and proven facts that back them up more.

The Struggles

With the myths come the actual struggles I’ve personally gone through or still go through to this day. When I was younger, I did find them quite bothersome, but I grew up learning simple solutions to make them more tolerable, or I just got over being annoyed with them.


Unless I write upside down (which a fellow lefty friend of mine does and it always fascinates me to see them write), I don’t think I can ever escape ink markings on the side of my hand from writing. I remember the side of my hand being covered in gray from pencils and having to constantly wash it afterward. I never found a solution to this, so I’ve just learned to ignore it.


It’s especially troublesome if we’re sitting in a tight space. I often feel like I’m the one getting in the way of others’ eating time. This is why I often opt to sit at the outer edge of the table where my left hand can move freely and avoid being in anyone’s way.


I don’t know if this only happens to lefties, or just me, but I have never been able to do this task neatly and quickly even when I’ve followed advice/tips from others. It’s like my left hand is in pain whenever it even dares to get things done in a straight line. Sometimes when things look like they’ve been done straight, they actually have some crookedness to them. There are moments when other things I do, such as taking pictures, often end up being crooked.


I guess it’s all thanks to my ability to write sideways (explained further below) that sort of helped me with this situation. Plus, my right arm gets a little armrest during class. Nonetheless, it was still uncomfortable for me to get my work done with these kinds of desks.

The Good Things

Being a lefty does have its challenges, but they are typically minuscule compared to other challenges someone may face in life. I never wished I was a righty because I love and appreciate having this difference as a part of who I am, as well as experiencing the world a bit differently from the majority of the population.


I didn’t understand why it was easy for me to do things with my right hand than most right-handers can do with their left. Eventually, it hit me that lefties have to adapt to a right-handed world, which, I find, is a blessing in disguise. I’m even more comfortable in using a computer mouse and can opener with my right hand than left. There are various tasks that I’m fortunate to be able to do with both hands, except handling anything that’s sharp.


Growing up, I only ever really considered myself a lefty when it came to writing because I never fully struggled with doing anything else using my right hand. It was natural for me to switch my “dominant” hand whenever I find myself needing to do certain things. Of course, there are still tasks that my right hand is obviously weaker at completing than my left hand, but it only makes me more motivated to use my right hand so that I can improve such tasks. I am also currently learning how to write with my right hand. So far I’ve found it helpful when I’m writing on the left side of a journal with my right hand and the right side with my left hand.


For as long as I remember, I’d develop the trait of writing sideways. By sideways, I mean I would place whatever paper/notebook/writing platform I have sideways instead of upright. My handwriting always comes out neater (well as neat as my handwriting gets) and on a straight path. I’m able to write upright, but my handwriting is messier, and it feels awkward to do so. I find this tiny trait of writing sideways lovely and wouldn’t change it at all.


I cherish being a lefty. I love being part of the smaller group population that allows me to stand out from the rest. I’m grateful to have grown up in a family and community that accepted me as a lefty and allowed me to be comfortable with it. Being a lefty has never deterred me from my goals and passions, and I’m constantly working just as hard as everyone else aiming to achieve my goals.

Happy International Left Hander’s Day to my fellow lefties!

Let's chat!

If you’re a lefty, what are some of your most notable experiences of being one? If you’re a righty, what are you most surprised or curious about left-handed people?

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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