Eleven Wishes That Came True

“Star light, star bright.

First star I see tonight.

I wish I may, I wish I might.

Have the wish, I wish tonight.”

One of the most hopeful poems I’ve ever said as a child, and occasionally as an adult.

This year, I was fortunate to have some of my wishes (or hopes and goals), that were made throughout the year or years ago, come true.

Wishes That Manifested Into Reality in 2020

The safety and health of me and my loved ones

Passed my final classes and completed my degree

Attracted visitors to my website

Completed a 30-day writing challenge

Became more productive

More healing and growth

Let go of people I still held on to

Ate healthier

Focused on self-care

Discovered more of the direction I want my career to go to

Stayed inspired once I got out of my creative drought

Magic doesn’t always have to be what we see in the movies.

And wishes do not always come true right away or in the form that we expect them to.

But, we must believe.

Believe in what we want.

Believe in who we are.

Believe in our abilities and talents.

And we can have the wish we wished that night.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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