Week in my Life | ArtU Series

This post will be one of the lighter ones in this series. I will be covering what a usual week was like when I was a full onsite and online student.

There were days when I’d have planned meetups with group mates or spontaneous hangouts with friends. There were also days when I’d go to the school library or lab just for a change of environment to work more on my assignments. I’ll be mentioning only those activities that consumed most of my weekly schedule, and I’ll be skipping the daily routines of cooking and hygienic care.

Granted, being an introvert probably will probably not make much of a difference with my onsite and online schedules.



As my class schedule changed every semester, I will focus on the last semester when I was a full-time onsite student.

During this semester, I had only two classes that were on the following days:

Wednesday: 7:10 PM – 10:00 PM

Friday: 12:00 PM – 2:50 PM

These classes had only one section each. One was my final required class, while the other was a class that I simply wanted to take.


Because my first class began on a Wednesday, my week essentially started on a Wednesday.

I’d start walking to class by 6:30 PM and remain at school until at least 10:15 PM, depending on if I had extra questions for my instructor about a project.

I’m thankful that I had a classmate/friend who lived near me, so we’d often walk with each other after class.

When I’d get home, I’d eat something that would easily be made in less than 5 minutes, typically a sandwich (or cereal). If I’m not too tired, I’d call my parents and talk with them a bit. Then I’d prepare for bed, and once I’m snuggled in, I’d watch Netflix shows for another couple of minutes to hours.

As I had no classes the next day, I typically fall asleep around 1-2 AM. Not advisable.


No matter the time I’d sleep the night before, I did my best to wake up around 7:00 AM. After about 10-15 minutes of checking my phone, I’d do my morning routine. Afterward, I’d prep myself for the rest of the day, which was spent indoors doing my assignment for Friday’s class.

Since the class began at 12:00 PM the next day, I did my best to go to bed by 11:00 PM.


Friday can be either busy or chill.

Like any other day, I’d do my best to wake up by 7. If not, I’d push my luck and get up by 10:30 AM.

I’d then get ready and start walking to school by 11:25 AM. I often tried to get to school before 11:50 PM, as that’s when the elevators get crowded, and I wanted to avoid being in crowded elevators and having to take the stairs.

I’d stay at school at most until 3:00 PM and head back home. Sometimes I’d stay a couple of hours longer working on my assignment at school, especially if I’ll be with a friend.

Yes, I surprisingly have friends from school.

On the way home, I’d stop by the store and get two 1-gallon bottles of water.

At home, I did my best to get started on Wednesday’s assignment.


Saturdays were for the errands. I’d get up around 6:30 AM and prepare my laundry. The laundromat nearby opened at 7:00 AM every day, and I always wanted to get there as soon as it opened to avoid the crowds.

After spending about 1.5 hours at the laundromat, I’d go home and relax for about 20 minutes before heading out to the grocery store, which was only a seven-minute walk from my place.

After doing my groceries, I’d go back home and prepare for my chores. I’d put the groceries away, then clean my room, and finally fold my clothes.

I’d take a nap sometime in the afternoon, and when I’d feel energized enough, I’d continue Wednesday’s assignment.


Other than the week before midterm and finals week, I aimed to make Sundays my indulgent days. Meaning I’d get up any time my body woke up and stay in bed the entire day watching YouTube videos or Netflix, talk to my parents, and just reenergize my body for the following week.


My schedule from Mondays to Wednesdays are also practically the same – staying home and working on assignments, at least until I have to prepare and leave for Wednesday’s class.

I had the most exciting weeks of school, note some sarcasm.

This was what a normal week was like when I had onsite classes. Although I had only two classes, I found myself just as busy as when I had four classes. I enjoyed the days when I got to be around close friends and relax for a while before getting back to doing our assignments.


One reason I transitioned to online classes was that I moved to a different city to live with a friend. I figured that since I had only two classes left, it wouldn’t be bad as I’d previously taken two online classes during my summer semesters.

Unlike my onsite classes, I had much more flexibility with my schedule.

Modules began every Monday and ended every Sunday. All I’d had to do was complete my weekly assignments each week and I’d be fine.


Mondays were reading and research days. I’d first skim through the module’s assignment and discussion list, then I’d get my weekly reading and quiz done before lunch.

The rest of the day was spent doing random things.


Tuesdays were my friend’s day off from work, so it was our errand day. We’d go to the laundry before noon, then get our groceries at the supermarket that was conveniently next to the laundromat. Afterward, we’d come home and clean our room.

I also referred to Tuesdays as my day-offs from class assignments, meaning I’d relax and have some me-time.


I often tried answering the discussion questions by Wednesdays. Would I post them on this day? Nope. But, at least I’d have them prepared and edited before I’d actually post them. Other than that, I’d do my best to spend about two to three hours for each class working on assignments.


I continued working on assignments for these days. I didn’t have set specific hours on when I’d do my work because I’d do them whenever I feel creative enough.


Unlike my relaxing Sundays during onsite classes, this day became my busy Sunday as I was finalizing all my assignments of the week for submission.

Before the pandemic, I did my best to go out to parks and familiarize myself with the new city a couple of times each week. Once it hit and the world was on lockdown, I’d go out only during errand days. The rest was spent at home, working my best on my assignments.

And this was a week in my onsite and online life.

 If it weren’t for the current situation, I’m not sure how different my online weekly schedule would’ve been.

I do miss some of the busyness and more scheduled days I had when I took onsite classes, along with actually hanging out with my friends. I missed interacting with my peers and being able to share advice with our work in a face-to-face environment.

I am grateful that I get to spend my days with a close friend and not be alone during this challenging time.

The world has been going through some major shifts for a while now, and so have millions of people. What may have been a normal week in your life, is now something you had never anticipated.

And that’s okay.

As we go through our new shifted week in our life, we should think back to how our life used to be and cut out anything we felt wasn’t providing us the strength and motivation to grow as a person or artist. We should think of experiences we wish we could’ve incorporated into our weekly schedule and find ways to make it work.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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