
Whenever I say the word, dreams, in my head, I can’t help but think of Sharkboy’s “Lullaby” song from the movie, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Anyone else? Just me?

Anyway, as I brainstormed for this prompt, I thought about all the occupations I wanted to be before a blogger and moving forward.

I was inspired by a post I read years ago about a teacher asking her students what they wanted to be when they grow up. One of the kids answered, “Happy.” HAPPY. Not once in my adolescent life have I ever thought of answering that question in that manner. I was always taught to reply with an established occupation in order to survive the “real” world.

It took so long for me to realize what I want to feel, what I want to do, what I aspire to become, and what impact I want to leave in the world. Even now, there are doubts about whether or not I’m moving in the right direction. All I know is that right here, right now, I feel happy with what I’m doing. I feel happy that I get to work from home, to write about anything and everything, and to know that I’m slowly but surely helping people in any way I can.

The first time I was ever asked about what I wanted to be when I grow up was when I was four years old.

It was for my kindergarten promotional ceremony. My classmates and I had to say our grown-up aspirations. I remembered that I initially didn’t know what to answer. I thought about becoming a teacher, but then someone had already said that. I didn’t want to be a copycat, so I went with the only available option left – a doctor. (The nurse occupation had already been taken as well.) Although I greatly admire doctors and praise them for all that they do for their community, now more than ever, I personally never believed that I can handle such an intense role.

Crazily enough, after watching The Adventures of Sharkboy & Lavagirl about 10 times in the movie theatre, I wanted to become an actress. I was always such a shy, quiet individual, but somehow I thought that by becoming an actress, I’d break out of this mold and transform into a social butterfly as many of my classmates were. 

I got to fulfill part of this dream thanks to my high school English classes where we had group projects of filming plays.

I actually don’t remember what I wanted to pursue halfway through my high school years. I knew I had some colleges in mind, but I don’t remember what programs I was signing up for. Nevertheless, I pursued Business in my community college. It was the only major I felt like I’d enjoy, and looking back now, I’m grateful to have been a part of the program and now have a background in Business. 

After graduating and landing an office job, I felt like I was going to be working in this field for a long time. I couldn’t envision myself going back to school anytime soon as I felt content about earning my own income and being part of the workforce. 

Little did I know that my path turned towards a different route than I’d expected.


I eventually followed a new journey in Web Design and wanted to pursue the occupation of Web Designer/Developer. For a while, I felt happy. Content. It felt as if I was finally pursuing my destiny. And to an extent, design and development are a part of my destiny, but I know they aren’t at the heart of it.

Towards the last year and a half of my education, I found what fully opened the door to my destiny – healing & inspiring. And it’s all thanks to my Senior Project, “The 7.” Having worked on a project based on the 7 Deadly Sins was something I’m so grateful to have done. It was even a last-minute idea that I snuck in during the presentation. I wrote stories for “The 7” with the intention of helping people accept their past, forgive themselves and others, and move forward in life, as it was this point in my life when I was doing the same things. I finally found the road to self-discovery, slowly uncovering the untapped potential I didn’t know I had, and I wanted to help others do the same as well.

I’ve loved writing for as long as I can remember, and when I realized I can also possibly make a career out of it, I was ecstatic.

Throughout my younger years, I partook in ventures that were put upon me by my parents, relatives, and society.

I didn’t want to live like that forever. So, when I began my journey of healing, I knew I had to earn a living by doing what I love, what makes me happy. What makes me happy is helping to heal and inspire the world, one experience at a time.

I know that writing is still a fraction of my destiny, so when new opportunities that align with my destiny come my way, I certainly will welcome them with open arms. I no longer control where or how my path guides me because I know that as long as I continue following my passion and working to my heart’s content, I trust that I’m being led to the experiences that are part of my soul’s purpose.

Perhaps that kid was right after all. The only thing I will ever want to be in life is… happy.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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