The world of Ghibli sure knows how to express love without ever really saying ‘I love you,’ and I find that beautifully empowering.
I’ve seen all of the movies at least twice now, and the more I watch them, the more I understand their worlds, and the more I would love to live in some of them.
Not only do the films embody self-love and self-growth, but they also portray deep feelings of an emotion that many people struggle to understand and emit themselves.
In the films, we see characters being in love with a romantic partner, and they are in love with their family, the living creatures around them, their friends, their passion and ideas, and most of all themselves.
Of course, not everything is smooth sailing, and there are some stories where we’re left wanting more or wondering what’s going to happen. Still, even though I have yet to experience being in love myself, I know how fickle love can be, and not even the Ghibli world can escape from such side effects.
Nonetheless, here are ways that Ghibli characters say ‘I love you’ without saying ‘I love you.”
A Bit of Studio Ghibli History
Studio Ghibli Inc. is a Japanese animation studio founded on June 15, 1985, by directors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, and producer Toshio Suzuki. It is currently headquartered in Koganei, Tokyo. The studio is best known for its animated feature films, and has produced a number of short subjects, tv commercials, and one television film.
Its mascot has been the giant catlike spirit, Totoro, from their 1988 anime film My Neighbor Totoro.
In 2014, Studio Ghibli went into a temporary suspension following the retirement of Hayao Miyazaki. The studio made a comeback with its 2020 feature film, Earwig and the Witch, which was directed by Miyazaki’s son, Gorō. And, currently, the studio is in production for their 2023 feature film, How Do You Live? directed by Hayao Miyazaki, a movie intended to be his last one.
Any word or phrase in brackets “[]” is originally scripted with pronouns (it, he, she, they). Therefore, to understand the line better, I replaced the pronouns with the actual subject that they were referring to.
Studio Ghibli films almost always show different relationship dynamics – partner, family, friends, nature, living creatures, passion, and themselves. I chose lines where they have expressed their love and appreciation towards any of them.
Ghibli Characters Expressing Their Love
1. "You must live, darling. You must live." -Nahoko Satomi, The Wind Rises (2013)
2. "This charm will guarantee your safe return." -Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
3. "I respect a woman who stands up for herself. Even if she does like to stick her nose in other people's business. So I, Renaldo Moon, will defend her." -Muta/Renaldo Moon, The Cat Returns (2002)
4. "Having children will make you appreciate your own parents. Sure, maybe you always thought your parents were a pain in the butt. But one day, they'll be the ones babysitting your kids, and buying them toys." -Shige Yamada, My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
5. "You think your life belongs to you? Tenar gave me life. That's why I have to live...to give life to someone else. Lebannen...That's the only way we live forever." -Therru/Tehanu, Tales From Earthsea (2006)
6. "No-Face, if you put even one scratch on that girl, you're in big trouble!" -Lin, Spirited Away (2001)
7. "Totoro, Mei's lost. I looked everywhere for her, but I couldn't find her. Please help me. I have to find her. I'm sure she's scared half to death by now. I don't know where else to turn." -Satsuki Kusakabe, My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

8. "Arrietty. Arrietty. That's a beautiful name. Maybe we could be friends?" -Shō, Arrietty (2010)
9. "For the first time, I'm thinking all these things and feeling all these feelings. Of my feelings towards Toshio, of his feelings towards me. Did I just open my confused head and convoluted heart to this guy? I did. And yet, it was as easy as breathing in, and breathing out." -Taeko Okajima, Only Yesterday (1991)
10. "Those kids in there are actual living people. They're not dolls. Not ornaments for their viewing pleasure." -Earwig, Earwig and the Witch (2020)
11. "One thing you can always count on is that hearts change." -Prince Justin/Turnip Head, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
12. "Come with me and we'll go. I'll carry you on my back and run forever. We'll go someplace where nobody can ever find us." -Sutemaru, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
13. "I don't care who Marnie really is. I just want to help her." -Anna Sasaki, When Marnie Was There (2014)
14. "When there are no challenges to share, it is all too easy for a family to drift apart." -Shige Yamada, My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)

15. "Apples. Cherries. They're all alive...The way I see it, if I take good care of them, they'll pick up on that and do their best for me." -Toshio, Only Yesterday (1991)
16. "A heart's a heavy burden." -Sophie Hatter, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
17. "If I'm your leader, we're in trouble. Don't be the hero and die before me, okay?" -Captain Hiroshi Tachibana, From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)
18. “I think you're lucky to be a foster child. If you really didn't have any relatives left then the folks who took you in as a daughter must be truly kindhearted people." -Marnie, When Marnie Was There (2014)
19. "It's alright Li'l Bamboo. I'll hold you tight. I won't ever let go." -Sutemaru, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
20. "I just can't tell you how much your friendship means to me." -Madame Gina, Porco Rosso (1992)
21. "Ashitaka, you mean so much to me." -San, Princess Mononoke (1997)

22. "San is my daughter. She is of the wolf tribe.” -Moro, Princess Mononoke (1997)
23. "Thank you Haku, you're a good friend." -Chihiro Ogino/Sen, Spirited Away (2001)
24. "I always thought lighting up Kochi Castle was a waste of electricity. But with Rikako next to me, it would have been beautiful. There were so many things I wanted to talk to her about. I wanted us to see the castle together, like this." -Taku Morisaki, Ocean Waves (1993)
25. "I am gonna prove that my dad was no liar, Sheeta. As soon as I'm done building this plane, I'm gonna take off and find Laputa myself." -Pazu, Castle in the Sky (1986)
26. "I've decided to stay a while. Maybe I can find others like Osono who will like me and accept me for what I am." -Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
27. "When you first came to us, you wouldn't let [the old Marsh House photo] go. Someone at the orphanage told me it belonged to your grandmother." -Yoriko Sasaki, When Marnie Was There (2014)
28. "I felt as if - as if I'd always known him. As if he was part of my own past. And the one I wanted a handshake from most was Toshio.” -Taeko Okajima, Only Yesterday (1991)

29. "I'm not scared because someone taught me how to be brave." -Shō, Arrietty (2010)
30. "Just put your hand in mine and trust me." -Pazu, Castle in the Sky (1986)
31. "We're going to start all over again. This time we'll build a better town." -Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke (1997)
32. "We love your sister, and we all want her to be happy.” -Gran Mamare, Ponyo (2008)
33. "I don't want to be just a burden for you. If I'm going with you, I'm going to help you." -Shizuku Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
34. "Do you like sun or clouds? A sunny day or a cloudy day? Which do you like best?" -Shuuji Hirota, Only Yesterday (1991)
35. "No more staying up all night, or your work will start getting sloppy. Also, it's really bad for your complexion." -Porco Rosso/Marco Pagot, Porco Rosso (1992)

36. "[Tachibana, Sawamura, and I] were just like brothers, the three of us." -Captain Yoshio Onodera, From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)
37. "I was excited, and I wanted you to be the first to know." -Seiji Amasawa, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
38. "I'm taking care of everyone, dad!" -Sosuke, Ponyo (2008)
39. "Even if we should fall in the heat of battle, our deaths will not be in vain, our sacrifices serving to rally our brothers to fight on until the day of victory. That is the kamikaze spirit!" -Raccoons, The Kamikaze Motto, Pom Poko (1994)
40. "Sorry. I've had enough of running away, Sophie. And now I've got something I want to protect. It's you." -Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
41. "I hope you have a happy life. Goodbye, Shō." -Arrietty, Arrietty (2010)
42. "I really miss Custard. There's just so much I wish I could tell him." -Earwig, Earwig and the Witch (2020)

43. "[Nahoko] wants [Jiro] to always remember her as she was." -Mrs. Kurokawa, The Wind Rises (2013)
44. "I won't hurt you. I promise." -Shō, Arrietty (2010)
45. "You'll have to help your parents and Haku on your own. Use what you remember about them." -Zeniba, Spirited Away (2001)
46. "You're in love. Don't deny it. You've been sighing all day." -Witch of the Waste, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
47. "I just wanted to say that I actually liked your lyrics. You're a very talented writer. You should keep pursuing it. It's not a waste of time." -Seiji Amasawa, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
48. "Love is a little bit more complicated here than it is in America. Falling in love happens to you all the time." -Madame Gina, Porco Rosso (1992)
49. "Arren? If you have nowhere to go, why not come with me? I doubt our meeting here was an accident. And I'd welcome a companion on the road." -Ged/Sparrowhawk, Tales From Earthsea (2006)

50. "Just for the record, I admire a young woman who speaks from the heart. If you ever need us, you will always know how to find us again. And the Bureau's doors will be open to you, be it day or night." -Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, The Cat Returns (2002)
51. "Please! Take us with you! Take us with you!" -The Bamboo Cutter's Wife, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
52. "I have a long-standing bet going here. I bet myself that if a certain man comes to visit me when I'm out here in my garden, then the two of us will fall in love. But that fool only comes to my restaurant at night. He never stops and shows his face in the daylight." -Madame Gina, Porco Rosso (1992)
53. "Papa, borrowing is so much fun." -Arrietty, Arrietty (2010)
54. "Nowadays people say child-rearing is challenging and difficult. But we've been doing it since the dawn of time. Children grow up, even without their parents. So hold them close to your heart and they will turn out just fine." -Shige Yamada, My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
55. "Go on. You should keep working. I'll wait until you're done." -Seiji Amasawa, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
56. "I think I found what painting means, at least for me." -Ursula, Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)

57. "Isn't this great? Sophie put [firewood] here for me." -Calcifer, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
58. "I came to give you [my crystal dagger] so you won't forget your little sister...Please, keep it with you, brother, to protect you. You must take it with you. Please, I want you to have it, so you won't forget." -Kaya, Princess Mononoke (1997)
59. "You, my dear, should get some sleep." -Jiro Horikoshi, The Wind Rises (2013)
60. "You must believe me, Anna. Whether or not we receive the money, nothing can change how we feel about you." -Yoriko Sasaki, When Marnie Was There (2014)
61. "You protected me after all." -Arrietty, Arrietty (2010)
62. "It's your life, Sophie. Do something for yourself for once, will you?" -Lettie, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
63. "Those flags that I raise, they're a message to my father, and it says, 'I pray for your safe return.' But he knows he can never come back to me, so what I think he did was send you instead.” -Umi Matsuzaki, From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)

64. "Amazing. The wolves and that crazy little Wolf Girl helped save us all." -Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke (1997)
65. "From the day I found you in the bamboo and held you so gently in my arms, I just loved you as if you were my very own child! And when I picked you up and cradled you, put you on your feet and changed your clothes, I was the happiest man on the face of the earth, like I was in Heaven!" -The Bamboo Cutter, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
66. "I have to go and don't forget, Chihiro, I'm your friend." -Haku/Spirit of the Kohaku River, Spirited Away (2001)
67. "My grandpa and gram, they didn't approve of the marriage, and so they tried to stop it from happening. But my mom wouldn't let anything stand in the way of true love." -Umi Matsuzaki, From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)
68. "She was beautiful, like the wind." -Giovanni Battista Caproni, The Wind Rises (2013)
69. "You work so hard in the library. Whatever you're doing, I know it's important to you. And I truly respect that. Honey, why don't we let Shizuku do what she thinks is best? Not everyone needs to follow the same path." -Seiya Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
70. "And that's when I knew - I'd always been crazy about her." -Taku Morisaki, Ocean Waves (1993)

71. "I want to stay with Custard!" -Earwig, Earwig and the Witch (2020)
72. "All these feelings I have. Almost nostalgic for this place. There's a connection even though it's not where I grew up." -Taeko Okajima, Only Yesterday (1991)
73. "Shizuku, I've been thinking. It's that...I know this might sound really weird to you, but could you see us getting married someday? I promise I'll be a professional violin maker and you can be a professional writer...Does this sound corny?" -Seiji Amasawa, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
74. "I'll always be near. Yakul and I will come and visit you whenever we can, all right?" -Ashitaka, Princess Mononoke (1997)
75. "Thank you, Haru. Thank you for feeding me when I was a kitten. Without you, I might not be alive today." -Yuki, The Cat Returns (2002)
76. "How funny...Without Marnie, I would never have you as my friend." -Sayaka, When Marnie Was There (2014)
77. "All I do is worry when [Nausicaa is] running around out there. I'd trade a thousand Ohmu shells for a good night's sleep." -Mito, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)

78. "You have to eat some food from this world, or else you'll disappear." -Haku/Spirit of the Kohaku River, Spirited Away (2001)
79. "[Nausicaa] better be okay." -Mito, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
80. "So you're the one who carried me back into shallow water. You saved me, I knew you were good!" -Chihiro Ogino/Sen, Spirited Away (2001)
81. "Yuki, will you accept these crackers as a symbol of my love for you for as long as our nine lives shall last?" -Prince Lune, The Cat Returns (2002)
82. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't torment my friend." -Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
83. "But as you sail across the ocean of life, what should you fear most? Wild storms? Treacherous currents? No, the truth is that the ocean of life is most dangerous when it's calm and there's hardly a ripple in sight. When the waters are rough any family can weather the wildest storms if they join hands and pull together. But life is different when the ocean is calm. The wind dies down. You sigh and relax. And you forget to hold onto each other." -Shige Yamada, My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
84. "She's not just a goldfish. She's Ponyo." -Sosuke, Ponyo (2008)

85. "Sir that building is more than just a building...We all love it and it makes us feel connected to our past, like we belong to something." -Umi Matsuzaki, From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)
86. "I have one skill - flying - so I thought a delivery service was a good idea." -Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
87. "Where are Pazu and Sheeta? Can't leave without them." -Captain Dola, Castle in the Sky (1986)
88. "Come on! Let's go! Don't give up now! Are you a witch or aren't you?" -Sophie Hatter, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
89. "[Tachibana and Sawamura] were the best friends a man ever had. I think about them every day. They were brave and honest and I'm honored to have known them." -Captain Yoshio Onodera, From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)
90. "You're the one who inspired me, Seiji.” -Shizuku Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
91. "I miss you. I called for you and in my heart I shouted." -Anna Sasaki, When Marnie Was There (2014)

92. "You're beautiful." -Shō, Arrietty (2010)
93. "It's not too late to save you, it's not! You're here. We still have you! You're still here in my arms! And these arms of mine will drive them away! I will not let them take you! No matter how many of them come! I will fight them off!" -The Bamboo Cutter, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
94. "Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you. But when the leaves hang trembling, the wind is passing through. Let the wind carry these wings. Carry these wings to you." -Jiro Horikoshi, The Wind Rises (2013)
95. "Where does it hurt? Should I get a doctor?" -Setsuko Yokokawa, Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
96. "Don't worry, Mei. Satsuki and I believe you, and I bet you I know what happened. You must have met one of the spirits of the forest. That means you're a very lucky girl. But you can't always see the spirits. You can only see them when they want you to." -Tatsuo Kusakabe, My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
97. "You know, I noticed you a long time ago. I first spotted you reading in the library. I walked past you hundreds of times, but you never noticed me, right? I even sat down in the chair right next to you a couple of times. Then I started checking out all sorts of books just so I can get my name on the cards before you. I guess that got your attention.” -Seiji Amasawa, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
98. "I want nothing. Stay with me, brother. Don't leave me. Stay with me!" -Setsuko Yokokawa, Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

99. "Custard is a bookworm. Just like you are. He's always reading. But all he ever reads is science fiction. Maybe he should try reading a mystery once in a while.” -Earwig, Earwig and the Witch (2020)
100. "All this time, I've wanted to come back to my real home." -Princess Kaguya, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
101. "Mother, I have to go. Okkoto's blind. I must be his eyes. You understand?" -San, Princess Mononoke (1997)
102. "Now think of it as a gift from one friend to another." -Shō, Arrietty (2010)
103. "[Chihiro’s] my granddaughter. She said she wants to work here, but I've got all the help I need. Will you take her to see Yubaba she's a tough little girl. I think she can handle it." -Kamaji, Spirited Away (2001)
104. "There's someone in Tokyo I want to see. It's a guy who likes to sleep in bathtubs!" -Muto Rikako, Ocean Waves (1993)
105. "With you, Sutermaru, I know I would've been truly happy...Now I realize that." -Princess Kaguya, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)

106. "We are Borrowers and we'll make do. We always have. As long as we have each other to live for, we'll keep on living." -Arrietty, Arrietty (2010)
107. "I was giving thanks to this spring. I asked it to bring you here. I asked it to bring you to me.” -Nahoko Satomi, The Wind Rises (2013)
108. "I bet he's not lonesome at all. He's got plenty of friends, the animals and the birds. He takes care of them." -Pazu, Castle in the Sky (1986)
109. "The girls act so strong, but I think it's been harder than they let on. Especially Satsuki. She tries to act so adultly...I can't wait until I get better. When I get home, I'm going to spoil those girls rotten." -Yasuko Kusakabe, My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
110. "All good pirates listen to their mom." -Captain Dola's Son, Castle in the Sky (1986)
111. "You scared me. Don't turn into a fish again. I'd miss you" -Sosuke, Ponyo (2008)
112. "I wanted to see you as soon as I got home, so I stood outside your window hoping you'd look outside and see me. Suddenly you were standing there. I couldn't believe my eyes. We must be meant for each other, Shizuku." -Seiji Amasawa, Whisper of the Heart (1995)

113. "Look at mom, she's laughing." "Everything must be okay." -Mei & Satsuki Kusakabe, My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
114. "Sen and I had a really good time.” -Boh, Spirited Away (2001)
115. "I was proud to learn about a world I always felt close to, but never truly knew." -Taeko Okajima, Only Yesterday (1991)
116. "Dad...would you pick me up like you used to?" -Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
117. "I'm not gonna become a pirate. Don't worry, Dola will understand. She's much nicer than she pretends to be." -Pazu, Castle in the Sky (1986)
118. "Take care of the valley, and don't do anything rash while we're gone." -Lord Yupa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
119. "I've always been sick and I've had someone looking after me. And that's why when I saw you, I just wanted to find a way to protect you." -Shō, Arrietty (2010)

120. "I kind of missed you guys. And it looks like it's gonna rain." -Calcifer, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
121. "Hold me tighter! I don't want to go." -Princess Kaguya, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
122. "Your Li'l Bamboo will always be here with you forever and ever. And I'll always be a part of your gang forever and ever, too." -Princess Kaguya, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
123. "There must be a mistake. None of these pigs are my mom or dad." -Chihiro Ogino/Sen, Spirited Away (2001)
124. "You work better when you're holding my hand." -Nahoko Satomi, The Wind Rises (2013)
125. "Marnie adored that mansion. She loved the view of the marsh from her window. She said it felt like the birds were speaking to her. She had a lonely life, but she always lived it to the fullest." -Hisako, When Marnie Was There (2014)
126. "Sheeta means everything to me." -Pazu, Castle in the Sky (1986)

127. "Don't worry, Ponyo. No matter what, I will protect you. I promise." -Sosuke, Ponyo (2008)
128. "This place is gorgeous, Howl! It's like a dream." -Sophie Hatter, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
129. "I'll protect you! I'll protect you from everyone!" -Sutemaru, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
130. "[This hair tie] will protect you. It's made from the threads your friends wove together." -Zeniba, Spirited Away (2001)
131. "The ring that I gave you will guide you back home. All you have to do is summon Calcifer with your heart." -Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
132. “I heard that Marnie took [her grandchild] in. She was determined to never let this child be lonely." -Hisako, When Marnie Was There (2014)
133. "There you are, sweetheart. Sorry, I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you.” -Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)

134. "Maybe if I leave the pail, Ponyo will know where we live when she comes back." -Sosuke, Ponyo (2008)
135. "I'm Hisako, and I'm in love with that old marsh house." -Hisako, When Marnie Was There (2014)
136. "I'll buy some nourishing food for the last time. Then, I'll stay with you. I promise." -Seita Yokokawa, Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
137. "I'll give her the corn that I picked. That will make her better." -Mei Kusakabe, My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
138. "Sophie! Sophie, you're beautiful!" -Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
139. "Haku helped me before, now I wanna help him." -Chihiro Ogino/Sen, Spirited Away (2001)
140. "Each day together is very precious to us now." -Jiro Horikoshi, The Wind Rises (2013)

141. "You're such a dope. I was really worried." -Lin, Spirited Away (2001)
142. "And so I was in the silo all night long. Of course, I was ever so scared. But then, that's when your grandpa came. He encouraged me, saying I did well. I've overcome many frightening things in life. And Anna, so will you. After all, you're my only grandchild. And you have my love, now and forever." -Marnie, When Marnie Was There (2014)
143. "Maybe Abe wouldn't shake your hand because he liked you and didn't want to say goodbye." -Toshio, Only Yesterday (1991)
144. "All through junior high school and high school Yutaka and I were never in the same class. Even so, I always felt he was a close friend." -Taku Morisaki, Ocean Waves (1993)
145. "Arrietty, my heart is strong now because you're in it. And you always will be. Forever." -Shō, Arrietty (2010)
146. "We won't forget you, Ms. Haru." -Yuki, The Cat Returns (2002)
147. "Fellow raccoons, we promise you, we are now in this boat together!" -Inugami Gyōbu, Pom Poko (1994)

148. "Mister, I won't leave like that. and I'll become a proper witch." -Earwig, Earwig and the Witch (2020)
149. "Don't leave, Sophie…You have to stay...Cause, we're a family now" -Markl, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
150. "Would you please deliver it [a cake] to a girl named Kiki? She was kind and a tremendous help. It's my "thank you". And would you find out when her next birthday might be? Then I'll be able to bake her another one." -Madame, Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
151. "Don't cry, mom. I know dad breaks his promises sometimes. But he does his best for us. I promised Ponyo I'd take care of her. Then I lost her. I wonder if she's crying now." -Sosuke, Ponyo (2008)
152. "They used the spell of destruction. They saved Laputa from the evil hands of Muska." -Captain Dola, Castle in the Sky (1986)
153. "Howl would never be so heartless. He may be selfish and cowardly, and sometimes he's hard to understand, but his intentions are good. He just wants to be free. Howl won't come here. He doesn't need your help. He can fix his problem with his demon on his own. I am certain of it." -Sophie Hatter, Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
154. "Will we meet again sometime?" -Chihiro Ogino/Sen, Spirited Away (2001)

155. "[Caproni] told me that airplanes are beautiful dreams, so I'm going to make beautiful airplanes." -Jiro Horikoshi, The Wind Rises (2013)
156. "To get what they need from nature, farmers have to do a lot of different things to make sure that nature will continue to provide forever. It's sort of a joint venture between people and the earth. That's how the countryside works." -Toshio, Only Yesterday (1991)
157. "Nobody decides who I am but me.” -Haru Yoshioka, The Cat Returns (2002)

158. "[My mom’s] big and beautiful! But she can be very scary." -Ponyo, Ponyo (2008)
159. "Seiji Amasawa, huh? What kind of person are you? I wonder if we're anything alike." -Shizuku Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart (1995)
160. "Perhaps my fifth-grade self is trying to tell me to try to find a new way to fly." -Taeko Okajima, Only Yesterday (1991)
Let's chat!
What are some of your favorite ways the Ghibli characters have said ‘I love you’? Are any of these similar to how you express your love to your loved ones?