Hi hello!
This is just a quick update about what’s been going on in my life since I kind of took some time off for about a month.
As the title states, I am back home in Saipan. I arrived on November 11, quarantined for six days, and have been living with my parents, catching up and sulking at being in their presence again. I missed them so much, and I’m very grateful that I got to spend this holiday season with them. I hope that I get to spend all future holiday seasons with them from here on out.
One thing I’ve been trying to get accustomed to about living on the island again is the weather. I think my body has completely gotten used to the cold and the “cold” here is nothing to my skin. Very thankful for the electric fan that’s working overtime, as well as the rainy weather we’ve been occasionally getting.
Multiple things have been going on in my life and the days are going by faster than my brain can process what happened in the last five minutes, so that’s been fun. Although not many of such things include going on adventures around the island as the pandemic cases have skyrocketed these last couple of weeks and it’s been quite worrisome.
Other than that, the biggest update that I probably should mention is that I started a YouTube channel! I’ve been thinking about this for months, and I realized that it’s completely out of my comfort zone, and I probably won’t know what I’m doing for the next few months or even the first year – but I went through with it.
For now, my channel will mostly touch on vlogs – weekly, lifestyle, adventure, and eventually travel vlogs.
I do have videos filmed, and I just need to get started on editing and uploading. I’m not sure when my first video will go up, but I do have a certain date that I’d like to push for.
I will not be abandoning my blog. It’ll be with me for as long as I’m still passionate about it and as long as I’m able to. Many of my blogs will be extensions of my vlogs and might include more behind-the-scenes content from my vlogs or my life in general.
My blog will also still be a safe space for gratitude, healing, love, and happiness. And if there is a topic you would love to see my post in the future, feel free to request them here. For now, I’m trying to catch up on many of the blog posts that were supposed to be posted weeks and months ago but haven’t had the chance to, as well as prepare for next month’s chain of tasks.
If things go according to plan, I might be expanding my brand even more in 2022. I’m doing my best to manifest my goals in these upcoming months (and years).
This wraps up my life update.
I hope all of you are having a happy, fun, loving, safe, and healthy holiday season! Continue spreading love and kindness everywhere you go.