My Biggest Challenge

When I was an infant, my biggest challenge was getting used to a new world.

When I was a toddler, my biggest challenge was taking my first steps.

When I was a child, my biggest challenge was making friends at school.

When I was a teenager, my biggest challenge was getting accepted to my dream college.

When I was in my early 20’s, my biggest challenge was seeking independence and gaining self-confidence.

And now, in my mid-20’s, my biggest challenge is listening to my heart and following what feels right.

I’ve been through many hardships in my life, as do many others. I’ve wanted to give up many times and hide behind the shell I once wore.

But, no matter what I’ve been through, there has always been this force inside of me that has kept pushing me forward. What I thought would be my downfalls are now catalysts that no longer carried heavy feelings within my heart as they once did.

And this is what’s been keeping me strong as I conquer my biggest challenge yet.

It’s difficult venturing a path that few around me follow. It’s difficult being the odd one out and not being where I want to be in the timeframe that I’ve set out for myself.

It’s difficult not knowing the outcome.

But, this is where the challenge comes in – listening to my heart and doing what feels right.

I don’t know how long I’ll continue blogging or if it’s even meant to be my destined career, but, for now, writing and blogging feel right.

Writing is the most powerful impact behind my self-healing, especially when I revive my memories to release them out of my mind and onto my fingertips. Immense emotional weight is lifted every time I express vulnerability and strength about certain hardships I’ve gone through.

I’ve even felt better once I stopped my blog from being like everyone else’s. I’ve felt better once I stopped writing similar guides as others and stuck with my own style of writing. It may not be as “popular” or understood as most blogs, but that’s okay.

Everyone’s minds hold special strengths, and I have to work with my mind’s own strength and believe that it’ll help me create the works that are just as helpful, passionate, and influential to others as I’d always hope they would be.

My blog is a personal diary. It allows me to express my thoughts and feelings, as well as bring me out of my comfort zone. Coming up with content and inspiration has helped me get outside more, try new things, and explore new places. Years from now, I’ll be able to return to my old posts and get a better understanding of how much I’ve grown personally and professionally.

I hope that as you, my dear reader, follow my experiences and deeper writing, you’ll be inspired to grow an abundance of strength, confidence, and wisdom to be the person you’ve always wanted to be. I hope that you’ll one day follow your dreams and do all that makes you happy, all the while remaining true to yourself and your beliefs.

My work may be deep healing for me, but I hope it invites comfort within you as well.

And this is what my heart is telling me.

This is why I still feel so much passion and love doing what I do right now.

Being creative is what sets my soul on fire.

Being creative with writing is why I get excited waking up in the morning.

I am beyond blessed that through this career path, I’m able to work from the comfort of my own home, in my pajamas.

I’m able to set my own daily routine and schedule.

I’m able to explore and try new things.

I’m able to understand the world while further discovering who I am as an individual.

I’m able to meet and interact with other people who are just as passionately creative, adventure-driven, and inspirational.

I’m able to be Henritz Joy.

And I am eternally grateful for experiencing these.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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