I am good enough.
I am the creator of my own life,
Therefore I can achieve everything
I need & want.
I need to stop holding on to the
Past & their memories &
I was young & didn’t know any
I have hurt others & I
Have been hurt.
With pain comes strength &
With strength comes growth.
I felt pain to the point I felt
Like I could no longer go on.
But I also felt happiness to the
Point I strived to go on.
Every day, I’m working on being
A better person.
I still make mistakes & I will continue to
Make mistakes.
But this doesn’t mean that I should
Condemn myself for them.
I’m only human.
Humans aren’t perfect.
I don’t want to be perfect.
I want to be perfectly imperfect.
If I hadn’t gone through all of those
Painful situations, I wouldn’t have
Strived to constantly grow &
Evolve who I am as a
Daughter, friend, cousin, aunt,
Student, employee &
I am good enough.
My past does not define who
I currently am.
There are still so many things
& situations that I have yet
To understand and receive
Closure on, but I need to stop
Reliving all those memories in
My head when there are so many
New ones that want to come in.
It’s okay for me to no longer
Need to know what went wrong or
What I should or shouldn’t have done.
It’s okay if I didn’t get an apology
Or apologize and make amends.
What’s done is done & I need
To stop beating myself up over it.
They’ve all probably moved on anyway,
So why am I still the only one carrying
The baggage?
Why am I deteriorating myself
In an endless cycle of self-pity?
Why am I self-sabotaging my own
Happiness & freedom to those
Who are already soaring high
Above the clouds?
I’m not a good person.
But, I am trying my best to do
Good things.
& I know that no matter how
Much good I do in the world,
I will still be a villain in
Someone’s story.
& I’ve learned to accept that.
Because at the end of the day,
I’m not living for them.
I’m living for myself.
I’m living for my own happiness.
My freedom.
My goals.
My soul.
& in order to continue achieving
All of these, I need to let go.
Let go of everything holding me down.
Let go of expectations.
Let go of being a stickler to the rules.
Let go of comparing.
Comparing my journey to others
Has been my most recent
Sure, it’s always been a battle, but
It has unfortunately evolved.
Why am I even comparing myself
To others?
I know that everyone is on their
Own journey & following their
Own life path.
So, why is it so hard to focus on
My own life?
Is it because social media reminds
Me that I’m still not married or
Have my own family?
Or that I haven’t built my own dream
Home or traveled to as many places
As I want to?
I’m being ridiculous.
I have so many things to be grateful
For in life, yet I’m allowing other
People’s journey overshadow
The blessings in front of me.
I knew that going into this
Part of a career would already
Make me different from the majority
Of my peers.
I knew that I’d have to go through
Different battles than they would.
I know that what I’m doing makes
Me the happiest & what they’re
Doing hopefully makes them
The happiest.
So what’s the point of comparing if
We’re all essentially happy?
I may not be where they are right now
In terms of achievements and
Relationships because I’m exactly
Where I need to be.
I’m going through this life at my
Own pace & instead of torturing
& burning myself out
In order to catch up with them,
I need to slow down.
I don’t need & want what’s meant for
Them because I have my own
Blessings that are meant for me.
Life isn’t a race.
If it is, the only competition I have
Is with myself.
The competition to do better tomorrow
Than yesterday while still
Being in the present today.
The competition to remind myself
That I did well today & I will
Do even better tomorrow.
The competition to love my
Body & all of its flaws.
The competition to remain patient
& go with the flow because it’s nice
To sometimes make my way
Through the unknown.
The competition to wake up
Each day feeling calm & excited
& refreshed & motivated & loved.
Loving myself.
I’ve always considered this as the
Final stage of the healing process
Because it’s the toughest one to
To love me, to accept myself.
Including all of my flaws &
This doesn’t mean that I can’t
Improve on my
Imperfections. This means that
While I still have them & working
On them, I don’t have to beat
Myself up for having these kinds
Of traits. In fact, I may always have
Them, but through acknowledging
& growing from them, I can
Have better control over how
I portray them.
I will always have days where
I’d just feel like quitting
Or my doubts would come
Back again, but through
Loving myself, I can remind
Myself that it’s okay to feel
These types of emotions as
Long as I’m willing to get
Back up again because
I know my strength.
I know my passion.
I know my worth.
I am worthy.
I am worthy of receiving all
The blessings that are meant
For me.
I am worthy of living a happy
& peaceful life.
I am worthy of moving forward
From my past & creating
The life that I desire.
I am worthy of taking things slow
& accepting that the path I chose
To take will not always be a
Walk in the garden.
I am worthy of loving &
Being loved.
I am worthy.