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Someone I’m Inspired By

For a long time, I believed that I had to be inspired by one or two specific people, famous or not. Whenever I was asked to name someone who inspires me, I may name someone specific, but in my mind and heart, there are more than a dozen names I should mention. Some of them, I may not even know.

And that's because anyone who...

Helps expand the knowledge and understanding of life, love, and spirituality – you inspire me.

Remains humble and grateful – you inspire me.

Treats the world and everyone around them with compassion and understanding – you inspire me.

Thinks and sees things differently than most people – you inspire me.

Works diligently, creatively, and responsibly – you inspire me.

Stays true to themselves and loves themselves with their entire being – you inspire me.

Constantly works on themselves and are open to infinite possibilities – you inspire me.

Takes risks and is passionate about what they do – you flippin’ inspire me.

And more specifically...

Mom & Dad – you inspire me.

Family & Relatives – you inspire me.

Friends – you inspire me.

Instructors, Classmates & Advisors – you inspire me.

Boss, Managers & Coworkers – you inspire me.

Readers – you inspire me.

If I were to list down all the more well-known influencers that have inspired me and continue to inspire me, it’ll practically be endless.

And, other than people, I’m also constantly inspired by…

Nature, Music, Movies, TV Shows, Paintings, Sculptures, Cultures, Books, and Experiences.

You can find the biggest inspirations in the smallest and simplest forms and ideas.

All you have to do is keep an open mind and don’t be so quick to shut anything out.

When you’re inspired and are in a calm and clear headspace, your heart and soul’s desires will make an appearance. Follow them. See where they lead you. That’s where you’ll most likely find your destiny in life.

And like I always say…

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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