Thank You

Every day is a day to give thanks to any and all blessings you’ve received and are still receiving in life.

As much work as I’ve put into being where I am today, I wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for the people who entered my life when my soul knew I needed them most. I know I’m not the easiest person to be with, and for these guys to have been by my side, supporting me, helping me learn and grow, I’m eternally blessed and thankful for them.

And I’d like to dedicate this post to all of them.

Thank You

Mom & Dad

Thank you. I can honestly write an entire thesis essay for all the things I’m thankful for from you. We’ve had a rough past, but I wouldn’t change anything. It’s been two years since I was last with you physically. To most, it may not be that long, but for me, it’s feeling like an eternity. You both helped keep me going throughout the last four years, and there’s nothing else in the world I’d want to accomplish in this life than to give back everything you’ve done for me and so much more. You both deserve the universe and all of its blessings. Thank you for being patient with me, and calling me out when I’m being a brat. Thank you for checking in on me every single day, simply asking how I’m doing and if I’ve eaten. Thank you for never giving up on me and supporting me on this journey. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.

Family & Relatives

Thank you. Doggies, thank you for being my happy place growing up. Thank you for allowing me to be your owner in this life. Thank you for your warm hugs and comfort. Thank you for keeping my parents and me safe. Relatives, thank you for guiding me towards getting my degree. Thank you for believing in me and having faith in my abilities. Thank you for keeping my parents company, even just through messaging at times, while I’m not there with them. Thank you for being understanding and being there when my parents and I need you.


Thank you.

To the friends still in my life, thank you for still sticking by my side and dealing with the emotional and weird person that I am. We’ve been through many challenges in life. We didn’t know any better than what we do now, and I’m extremely grateful for the strong bond we’ve managed to build throughout the years. Thank you for listening to my doubts, fears, and inner turmoil. Thank you for your constant faith in me and reassurance that I can achieve my dreams and goals in life. Thank you for helping me continue to learn and grow.

To the friends who were taken on different paths, thank you for joining me on my path, even if it was just for a short while. I still learned a lot from all of you, and we had some amazing experiences together. I may never know if our paths will ever cross again, and whether or not they do, I just want to let you know how proud I am to have called you my friend. When I look back at our old photos, I no longer tear up with the thought of missing you and not having you in my life anymore. Instead, I smile and wish nothing but the best for you and your journey.

Instructors, Classmates & Advisors

Thank you. Thank you for all the knowledge, wisdom, patience, and guidance you’ve given me. Thank you for pushing me to go beyond my limits and aiming higher than what I thought I could achieve. Thank you for allowing me to have stronger faith in my intuition and make strategic decisions. Thank you for not only being professional instructors but for being passionate mentors as well. Thank you for all your extra time outside class hours helping me with my assignments. Thank you for never giving up on me and my abilities.

Boss, Managers & Co-Workers

Thank you. Thank you for trusting and believing in me with the job position. Thank you for your patience and understanding as I transitioned to an environment where I had no experience in. Thank you for your words of wisdom and guidance. Thank you for helping me learn what it’s like to be in a professional environment where others depended on me and where I had to step out of my comfort zone multiple times (in a good way). Thank you for supporting me as I moved forward on my journey.


Thank you. Thank you for coming to my blog and reading my thoughts. I may not physically see or know what you think of my posts, but I hope that you find some sort of positive insight or entertainment with them. Most importantly, I hope that you see my blog as a welcoming shelter for open, honest conversation to help or ease any trouble, whether professional or personal, you may be experiencing. Thank you, and I hope you can stick around for more!

Henritz Joy

Thank you. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for following your heart and soul’s calling. Thank you for constantly healing, learning, and growing. Thank you for slowly letting go of things and people who parted from your journey. Thank you for staying true to yourself. Thank you for being there for yourself even when you felt no one else was. Thank you for taking better care of your health. Thank you for learning to love who you are – flaws and all. Thank you for being part of your journey.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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