We’re doing this a little differently, Wildest Dreams.
When I first began writing to you, I had one set dream in mind; however, after a couple more backspacing and retyping, various dreams began coming forth and it became too hard for me to focus on just one.
There are too many of you, Wildest Dreams. And this letter goes out to at least four of you.
Wildest Dreams, I hope we can hang out with at least one, if not all, of my favorite K-Pop groups: SHINee, NCT, EXO, SuperM, and Mamamoo. Imagine a day of just being able to spend time with the artists and getting to know them behind the cameras. Oh, and it would be beautiful if we could hear them sing a couple of their tracks. Their vocals while singing live already give me goosebumps, so imagine being able to listen to them only feet away. I’ll try to hold in my excitement when meeting my biases, which I’ll keep secret for now, but there are no promises if I lose my voice box and just act like a complete weirdo (oh gosh, I hope this doesn’t happen). Imagine taking photos with hilarious poses. And then making sarcastic conversations with the comedians of the group. I think I’ll be crying tears of laughter the whole time.
Wildest Dreams, do you think it’s possible for us to do some acting too? Being an actress was the first career choice I took seriously years ago. I was given options to be in some plays, but I always turned them down because of how shy I was. I was questioning if I was joking around about being an actress. Nonetheless, being an actress has still always been on our minds hasn’t it, especially when I’d read interesting stories and we’d imagine ourselves playing the badass female lead. *Turns away in shyness* We’ve always daydreamed about playing the role of a Disney princess as well. Oh, what a dream it would be to be Ariel or Cinderella or Jasmine or Mulan or Merida or Pocahontas. On the other end of the spectrum, it was also in our dreams to play a superhero, but more towards the Naruto and Avatar: The Last Airbender type of heroes. I’d absolutely be out of my mind if I could somehow play Hyuga Hinata or Katara.
Wildest Dreams, what are your thoughts on flying through clouds? Sitting in a plane, looking out the window, and seeing all of the clouds within hands’ reach has made me hope to be a bird in our next life – or have a magic flying carpet, whichever comes first. I know clouds are essentially made from water and do not technically have a solid form, but imagine gliding through them and feeling them against our skin, even if just for a second. If the clouds are bright and calm, they make for some lovely and peaceful space to escape from the world below. And if we can take it up a notch, we can be lying on some of the softest pillows and sprint to lalaland where we can be anyone and sing and dance the time away. And only there, an alarm clock won’t be present to bring us back to reality – we can leave whenever we want to, so long as the clouds stay calm and happy.
Wildest Dreams, let’s make a deal: you keep visualizing our beautiful dream home atop a mini cliff overlooking the ocean, and if we go down the side of the cliff, there will be a private sandy white beach for us and our loved ones to enjoy the summer days. Our home will be protected, spacious, and will stand strong against Mother Nature’s emotions and human forces. It’ll be simple, but tell a myriad of stories. It’ll welcome the sun, moon, and stars. It will sing lovely melodies and hear many giggles and laughter. It will welcome many birthdays, holidays, and miscellaneous celebrations and though may dress differently from time to time, will still have the feeling of serenity, love, happiness, and passion. My end of the deal? I’m currently turning this part of you, Wildest Dreams, into a reality.
*Day 24 of 30 Letters In 30 Days – Your Wildest Dreams