I’ve been wondering how different (or similar) my weekly schedule has been since completing my degree.
Is there a certain routine that I follow or have I been doing different things every day?
I’d like to quickly shout out one of the best things that have helped me keep track of my schedule – bullet journaling (bujo). When classes ended, I found out pretty quickly that it was more difficult for me to focus on my tasks as I no longer have any due dates to worry about a.k.a I was procrastinating left and right. Bullet journaling has greatly helped me organize my posting schedule and many other events/reminders I probably would have put off for weeks on end if I wasn’t constantly reminded of them. The best part about bujo is that I get to design it any way I see fit and include topics that fit more to my personal lifestyle. My weeks wouldn’t probably be as productive if it weren’t for my mini helper.
Lastly, California has reopened at full capacity (as I’m writing this). I am also fully vaccinated. This doesn’t mean that I’ve been going out and about to any place I see fit. I am still cautious, and quite frankly, I am still afraid. My week still isn’t as grande or outdoorsy as I’d hoped it would be, and I’m okay with it. If anything, I’d gladly do a ‘week in my life’ once every season, every year mainly for memory and for others to see the changes in my weekly schedule.
Without further ado, here is a look into a week in my life – Summer 2021 edition.
Week of June 27 - July 03, 2021
I know some people might get appalled by this, but I do start out my week on a Sunday. I feel more comfortable with this setup.
Sundays have officially become my rest days, at least I try to let them be.
Other than resting, I continued working on my July monthly spread for my bujo. I was very excited because I officially completed one whole journal, and moved into a completely new one, which will cover the rest of 2021.
I usually do this during the third week of the month, but this time I planned my July posts and posting schedule today as well. If you’re interested, I’d gladly write a detailed post on my blogging process.
I’ve also been taking time during my days to learn a Japanese song I’ve been in love with after initially listening to it. The song is “If” by Kana Nishino. I first heard it during the ending credits of Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Lost Tower (2010), and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. I loved it even more after reading the lyrics in English. It’s such a lovely song.
I’m on my way to starting my regular days at 4:00 AM. For now, I’m lucky enough to wake up by 6:00 AM.
I start off my Mondays by going on a 30-minute walk after 15 minutes of waking up. During these 15 minutes, I actually only look at my phone to turn off my alarm. I spend the rest of the time trying to be quiet to not wake up my friend, and get ready for the walk.
After coming home from my walk, I took some time to myself by eating a mini container of yogurt. Then, I prepared breakfast, and as the food cools down, I played my mobile games – yes, very productive. I know. Once breakfast is done, along with the cleaning up, I spent the next hour chilling.
Forcing myself to stop lazing around, I prepare for my yoga and workout session of the day. With the weather getting hotter, I do my best to get this done early in the day or later in the evening, hours that are much cooler.
Eventually, it was time to get to work (of course this was after I freshened up). I had to do some brainstorming, outlining, and getting started on the rough draft for a new post that was scheduled for posting the following week.
If I’m not done with what I had to do for my posts, I continue working on it after lunch.
Once done, I continued designing for my bujo July spread.
Oh, I also made a couple of phone calls for appointments – adulting. Very responsible. And also very draining for someone who gets drained a lot when interacting with others, even if they’re just through the phone.
I digressed.
I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening learning “If,” studying/practicing other languages and feeding my brain with extra knowledge.
Dinner time! For the past month, I have made the decision to no longer eat rice for dinner, and instead, have resorted to eating salad and pasta (not together). My stomach has felt so much lighter and, of course, healthier since then.
My mind has called it a day and I spend the rest of the night getting ready for bed and then watching YouTube videos or reading.
Tuesday’s schedule is practically similar to Monday’s.
I did my weekly grocery shopping and laundry today, as well as a couple more phone calls.
I continued working on my July spread for Bujo and did a couple more design projects to prepare for the upcoming month.
I ended the day by finalizing a blog post.
On Wednesday, I skipped my morning walk because my knee was acting up from yesterday’s yoga session. I actually felt a couple of bones crack as I was doing one of the moves. I didn’t think anything of it because it still felt fine at the time. I only started feeling some pain during the night, and even more during the morning.
Thus, I also skipped my yoga session this day.
Wednesday was also posting day, so I did one final look at my post and prepared everything else I usually do on posting day, such as creating a title graphic, posting on Pinterest, and sharing on Instagram.
I also began outlining my next blog post.
With it being the last day of the month, I did all of my document and website backups, as well as organized and tucked away any photos or other documents no longer necessary for the next month.
No phone calls were made from today throughout the rest of the week.
Every other task is similar to Monday.
I skipped my morning walk again today, but I was able to get back to yoga and working out.
Thursday was pretty chill, and my schedule was similar to that of the previous days.
My Friday was similar to Thursday’s, except it was posting day again. I have been posting twice a week lately, but I try to switch up the days that I post to keep things fresh, in a sense.
Happy Birthday, Neji from Naruto! He may be fictional, but he has gotten his way into my heart like many of the Naruto characters did.
Other than celebrating Neji, this day was, wait for it, similar to the rest of the previous days.
I typically design the following week’s spread on this day as well.
And that was a week in my life, summer edition.
When I compare my days from when I was a student to now, there is quite a difference. For one thing, my daily schedule does not revolve around another set schedule, and is, for the most part, focused on simply getting tasks completed within the day. And, unless something specific is set for a certain day, my days consist of pretty much the same tasks…at least for now.
What unsurprisingly stayed the same was my preference for staying indoors unless I need to go out for errands. Who knew?