What I Do Under Pressure

Being under pressure is a talent of mine that never needed any practice.

I was always terrible at being under pressure, and somehow my brain just goes on error mode and completely shuts off sometimes.

Not fun.

I’ve always been this way when it came to professional work, schoolwork, and even now as I’m trying my best to write and post daily for this challenge.

Outside of professional work, there were moments where it became too much that I’d end up going on a YouTube or Netflix binge just to escape from everything. And then, I’d end up focusing more on completing my assignment than producing quality content that I know I would have produced if I used my time more effectively.

Fortunately, I’ve figured out some ways to help me lessen the feeling of being under pressure. It’s not much, but these are ways that work the best for me and I’m grateful for them.

A lot of these are what helped me most when I was a student, but they still come in handy to this day.

What I Do Under Pressure


One of the biggest relievers for me is to take a breather. I find that by simply taking a walk around my block or taking a little trip to the grocery store helps calm me down and regain my focus. A nice walk to the nearest park and sitting on a bench for a while helps as well, without being on my phone. Find a way to get out of your workspace and into fresh air.


I typically prepare two task lists: one is for the entire month, and the other is for each day. I’d then organize these tasks by priority and tackle the easiest ones first so that I can be fueling my energy up for the much harder tasks. I know others prefer working on the tougher tasks first, and that’s completely okay. Do what works best for you, but remember to always prioritize the most important tasks first.

The most important tasks can be classified by their due dates, how laborious they are, and/or what has the most to-do items in order to complete the task.


By this, I mean avoid having to do a certain task between 1 PM – 2 PM, and then begin another from 2:15 PM – 4 PM, etc. Unless I have a set due date time or appointment time with others, I avoid giving myself specific times to work on my tasks. I noticed that I’d feel under pressure if I have to work on tasks at certain times. Instead, I’d tell myself to work on tasks for X hours each day until they’re due. By allowing more flexibility throughout the day to get things done, I actually get things done feeling more relaxed.


I’d place a sticky note on the edge of my laptop screen with a positive quote written on it. Every time I’d get stuck or feel myself getting pressured, I’d look at it, read it a couple of times in my head and out loud, and then I’d feel better again. It’s a helpful reminder as to why I began such tasks in the first place.


Put your work to the side. Sit back and relax on somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes. And take deep breaths for 5-10 minutes. Just be careful not to fall asleep.


I have my Spotify desktop app always available when I want to take a break and listen to music. In moments like these, I’d play my “feelin’ motivated” playlist. As I’ve mentioned multiple times, I turn to music any time in the day, most especially when I want to unwind and calm my mind. If it helps, I suggest creating a playlist specifically for moments where you want to feel relaxed. I find instrumentals to be of great help with this.


A major setback about being under pressure is that I often think about how my project will turn out. Will my peers like it? Will it gain the positive reactions I want it to have? Will I be able to even accomplish all the things I planned to accomplish? And yes, while it is normal to think of these things in advance, I shouldn’t allow it to take control of how I feel about the entire process of the project because these negative emotions will reflect on my work. Focusing on the process has allowed me to hone in on the details and provide extra flair to my work.


When I’d begin something with a positive attitude, and think of it as fun obstacle to conquer, I typically end up enjoying the entire process. I’d think of things like, “I can’t wait to do this! I’m so excited to see how this will turn out!” etc. Of course, there will still be challenges along the way, which would then make it a good time to take that breather, or meditate, or listen to music. Don’t let one curveball prevent you from making that home run.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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