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A Beautiful Morning

As everything comes to life

And the sun in its rightful place,

I snuggle deeper into the

Warm embrace of my love.

His right arm tightens

More around my waist.

Our morning elixir now

Fully drank.

Just a couple more

Minutes, I’d always


I feel a kiss on my

Forehead, reminding

Me that we have

365 days and a lifetime

To continue our bliss.

I feign annoyance,

While actually placing my

Feet on the ground and

Making my way to

Euphoria –

The kitchen.

Moments of slicing pass, and

I feel wrapped

Within my lover’s arms,

His enticing lips touch the

Side of my neck and

His chin rests on the nook

Of my shoulder.

The rumble of his hungry

Stomach cuts through the silence

And we both laugh.

Breakfast is steaming

And ready to be served.

I place two plates of

Delicacies on the table,

My love and I sit across

Each other as we eat

And talk about what we’ll be

Doing the rest of the day.

He brings our empty

Plates to the sink. With

A kiss on the cheek,

And a big bear hug, he

Tackles the dishes as I

Go off to my delight –

My workspace.

A cozy area at the corner

Of our home.

Shelves of books, plants,

Artwork and memories with

People I love flow around

The room.

A wall had been replaced

By windows that overlook

The ocean. The slight

Opening allows the cool

Breeze of the air to

Penetrate, and with the

Sun’s gaze, energizes

The space.

I walk across the wooden

Floor until I reach the soft

Carpet that cushions my

Desk space.

I take a slight detour to my

Mini fridge and take out

My bottled water

And some fresh mixed fruits to

Snack on as I work.

I tie my hair into a bun,

And sit down in front of my

Beloved monitors.

I take a quick peek in

Front of me and admire

The sky for granting

A beautiful morning.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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