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My Morning Routine

I’ve always wanted to do one of these after seeing a couple of them on YouTube. And yes, I know it’ll highly be more interesting if this was done in a video format, but I’m not ready to go down that road…at least not yet.

Not much goes on in my mornings, at least not yet anyway, so this will probably be one of my shortest posts…ever. But I figured it would be nice to come back to this months or years later to see how things have changed since this moment.

I will be writing about my morning routine on a regular day and on an errand day.


7:00 AM

I typically get up by this time, and then I’d spend the next 30 minutes being on social media. However, because it was my goal this month to stay away from social media for the next hour after waking up, this routine has slightly changed. When my alarm goes off, I take the next 10 minutes listening to music…and waking up.

Afterward, I’d either begin preparing tea for my friend and me, or I’d go straight to washing dishes and cooking (and my friend would be the one preparing the tea).

Once cooking is done, we’d eat breakfast together. By this time, my one-hour time limit is most likely over, so I’d watch something on Netflix while eating my breakfast and drinking tea.

I’d then check Twitter and Google News because I have to be updated on what’s going on with the world. And as I continued digesting my breakfast, I’d play some mobile games.

Then I’d begin working on my blog all the way until the afternoon when my hunger makes itself known.

Errand Day

8:00 AM

Some people typically begin their errand day by waking up earlier than usual, but I try not to. I take advantage of this day by getting that extra hour of sleep, even though my body clock manages to still wake up earlier than this.

I’d do my usual 10 minutes of actually trying to get up and then do my bathroom business.

Afterward, tea would be prepared by either my friend or me. And on this day, we typically have a smaller breakfast because I’d be too tired to cook.

After eating, I’d honestly just be on my phone doing whatever it is I typically do.

Then, my roommate and I would prepare our laundry and head out to the laundromat. As the grocery mart is right next door to the laundromat, we’d tackle our grocery shopping as our clothes are in the dryer.

We’d be back home by the early afternoon and go on with whatever it is we plan to do for the rest of the day.

And this was my post-graduate morning routine!

I aim to be more productive during my mornings soon. I was always a morning person when I was still in school – woke up by 4 AM to work on my assignments as I do my best thinking during the early hours of the morning. Nonetheless, I’m still grateful to be able to experience calm mornings for now. I don’t feel the need to rush anything so early on in the day, so I’m happy.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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