products and reviews
Monthly Highlights | January 2023
Here are some of my favorite things from November and December 2022, and January 2023!
Monthly Highlights | October 2021
You [October] came in, caused a commotion, and now I’m trying to catch up with your shenanigans.
Monthly Highlights | August 2021
August 2021, you were full of surprises. I feel like I’ve gotten back into a good rhythm from the summer blues, and it’s great moving forward once again.
Monthly Highlights | July 2021
July, you brought a lot of new experiences, as well as challenges, into my life.
Monthly Highlights | June 2021
During this past month, I was able to focus a lot on my personal well-being and create a more balanced lifestyle.
It’s the only one who has seen my tears in the night, traveled with me, and is around to still see me learn, heal, and grow into a better person.