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Elementary Blues

I may still be feeling a little blue about my childhood, so I wanted to go back in time again and revisit my elementary school days, which included some of the best school years of my life.

By sixth grade, I had officially attended three different elementary schools, with my last school being the most years I’ve attended. They were my home away from home then, and I feel very fortunate to have been a part of the JGIA, Canary, and Kingfisher families.

I had some of the best and kindest teachers that helped mold the development of my childhood. I had formed some lifelong friendships that made play times exciting and adventurous. I not only expanded my general knowledge but built social and creative skills as well.

My elementary years were not always rainbows and sunshine. There was always a dark cloud nearby, but they never stayed for too long. No matter how many dark clouds stopped by, I had some of the best years of my life as a primary school student, and I wouldn’t have changed anything about it.

As An Elementary School Student...


The majority of the lessons we learned were colorful. We didn’t solely rely on reading textbooks and memorizing information. We learned numbers through songs. We learned words through stories. We learned about the planets through paper mache balloons. We participated in fun activities that further helped us understand the lessons. Nothing was just on paper. They were in cards. In books. In drawings. On TV. Through arts and crafts. Through games. Outside in the field. The way that primary school instructors provided information seemed infinite, and I’m sure that the information learned today was taught in even more creative ways as they continue to expand further in the future.

My Most Cherished Elementary School Memories


I love my teachers. I was known as a teacher’s pet, and it did bother me a bit back then. Now, I honestly wouldn’t have changed the friendships I had formed with my instructors. All of them showed just as much compassion, understanding, and mentorship as my own parents, and I wouldn’t have wanted to indirectly disrespect my parents by disrespecting my instructors.


Was I the only one who enjoyed getting new school materials every school year? They were one of the most exciting “homework” we’d get. I also loved the feeling of getting something brand new, with no tears or ink marks or missing items.


Any time outside of class time was always a good time. We’d sing the national anthem and hang outside, surrounding the outdoor stadium where our principal and other instructors would talk about important news and events regarding the school and students.


Field trips to movies were already fun, but my favorite field trip of all time was going to the Botanical Garden and witnessing an array of colorful and beautiful flowers, scenery, and even reptiles. It’s unfortunate that the garden closed down a couple of years later.


Another great way to hang out with friends outside of school. Parents would make their way to the cafeteria and unless the kids were required to sit along with them, we were free to roam around the school and chill while we wait for the hour-long meeting to conclude.


We were given calendars at the beginning of every school year that displays important school events and holidays. Holidays were colored red. And for each month, there was at least one date that was red. Whether they were federal, local, or school administration holidays, it felt like being excited for Christmas to come around when those 1–2-day holidays were nearing.


Fridays were always my favorite day of the week because teachers rarely gave homework, and weekends were two days full of fun and relaxation. I remember being excited that I get to stay up past my bedtime for two days every time Friday came along and watching those late-night tv shows that I would have otherwise missed during the weekdays.


Canteens were major gifts given to the primary school. They had a variety of snacks and drinks to choose from at such low prices. Spam sushi and maybe a Hi-C drink were around $3 together and they were filling enough to eat for recess or lunch.


These were the days when I got to dress up in my girliest outfit and loved them. The photos were professionally taken, and it was always a fun but nervous day for me as I wanted to look my best in the photo. I enjoyed picking out the photo packages and making sure I have enough of the small sizes to write messages and everyone would just be exchanging the photos with their friends or trying to collect the most photos from everyone.


I just realized this now, but I think science was my favorite subject during my primary days. I was always excited to join the science fairs and loved learning about everything scientific through fun projects, whether they were erupting volcanoes or how the solar system functions. There were four different types of sciences we could base our projects on, and I’d always go for Earth Science because I was, and still am, passionate about astronomy.


I was a proud participant in multiple extracurricular activities, including submitting essays for school competitions and working past my shyness with the Primary Grade Forensic Competition (PGFC), even though I was mostly in duo or group categories. I also loved doing volunteer work and expanding my knowledge and skills with other activities outside of classroom learning.


Does anyone else remember that time of year when you get those books full of cheap interesting things you can order? That was our online ordering at the time and it was very exciting receiving the items in great quality conditions. They had everything from books to toys, and I think there were a couple of accessories. I remember we get to even ask anyone else if they wanted to order from our books since it was also a way to earn points for ourselves or something. I’d always ask the adults in my neighborhood if they wanted something, and each would get at least one. It was fun and lovely.


I wasn’t into much reading back then, but what got me reading quite a lot of books was having to increase our reading levels. By increasing our reading levels, we had to read books labeled at certain reading levels (i.e. 6.1, 4.2, with the first number being the grade level), and then taking a test in the computer library. If we get a passing score, our reading levels go up, meaning we had more variety of books that we can borrow from the library. I wasn’t too fond of taking the tests back then, but now it’s one of my most cherished memories.


Back when I was actually waiting for my parents to pick me up from school, I wouldn’t have actually enjoyed it, but now that I’m reminiscing, it’s become a memorable experience for me. I remember racing to go to the front gates in hopes that I can get a bench to sit on while I wait. Usually, a friend or two of mine would always be waiting for their car and we’d just chat and hang out. For the most part, however, I was always excited whenever I’d see my car already parked in front of the gates, or in line with the other cars whose parents are driving in to pick up their kid(s), and one of my parents waiting for me.

Let's Chat!

What is one, or some, of your favorite memories when you were an elementary school student?

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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