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You Have A Special Place In My Memories, Ms. E

Hi Ms. E,

How are you?

I can’t believe it’s been 17 years since I first took your class and 15 years since I saw you last. Yet, no matter how many years it has been, you will always have a special place in my memories, Ms. E.

One such memory that has imprinted on me the most was when you gave me my first ever B grade in the 4th grade. Aha. I remember I was very upset by it, and I didn’t like you very much after. But, that didn’t stop you from giving me another B, but also during 6th grade when I was placed in your class again. At that point, I knew I would never get straight A’s from your class.

You were that instructor who subtly taught me that not everything in life is perfect. I can’t always get the results I want, and just because I excel at one thing, doesn’t mean I’ll be a master at everything. The same goes for those skills I’m not good at – just because I may not do well at something doesn’t mean I’m a failure.

Of course, it took me years to realize this, but at least I did.

Ms. E, you were one of the strictest teachers I’ve ever had. I remember being afraid of you sometimes and never wanting to get on your bad side.

But, you also showed kindness, empathy, and passion – the passion to teach your students with as much knowledge and wisdom as you can offer them, offer us.

Another memory that pops up whenever I think of you happened during the first day of 5th grade. You weren’t my instructor, but you were moved to the 6th grade, whose building was literally 15 feet away from my classroom. I was lining up with the rest of my classmates, ready to go inside the classroom. Before heading in, I saw you talking to my mom. You were both smiling, laughing a little, and looking at me with fondness. I don’t remember if I asked my mom what you were talking about, and if I did, I can’t remember what she said.

I’m thankful that I have some of these memories of you. I’m thankful that I remember how you look, as well as those lovely dresses you’d always wear.

I apologize for never visiting you after I went to junior high. Back then, I never really paid any attention to visiting past instructors because I simply never knew that I could.

How many more years did you teach before retiring? I hope your last group of students was just as awesome as my group was.

Ms. E, wherever you are right now, I hope you’re still enjoying life. I hope that one day we can see each other again and enjoy a cup of tea and bread (or whichever food you prefer). I hope to thank you in person for all that you did and that you are undoubtedly one of the most cherished teachers I have had the pleasure of being a student of.

If we are not able to meet again in this life, here is a virtual *big bear hug*. I wish I’d still get to show you how far this shy, introverted girl had come, and to let you know that I’m blessed that you gave me that B.

I’m thankful for you and I greatly appreciate your love and dedication as an instructor.

*Day 13 of 30 Letters In 30 Days – A School Teacher

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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