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Word Of The Year | 2021

Most of the time, words of the year are revealed towards the end of the year. I did 12 words that defined my year last month.

To continue with the 2021 introductions, I figure I’d disclose the word that will hopefully be present throughout my year and make it to my year-end words that defined my year.

The word is one that I often quite mentioned last year, but I want it to fully represent this year, and continue to thrive for many years to follow.

This word is…


(adj) – having the power of producing; generative; generative creative || producing readily or abundantly

School kept me productive, yes. But throughout those years, when I’m not doing schoolwork, hanging out with friends, or cleaning my room, I would just be lazing around.

And I want to change this.

I aim for every hour of my day to be spent doing things that enhance my creativity, stimulate my knowledge, expand my skills, strengthen my mental and physical health, and elevate my soul and spirituality.

All the while balancing all of these with self-care and time to myself where I can simply unwind, reflect, and listen to my mind and body.

I don’t know how this year, or the rest of my life, will play out.

What I do know is that I no longer want to play it safe and stay in the bubble of comfort and routine.

I want to spread my wings even bigger than I’ve already had.

Even if I’m only flying from the space of my room until it is safe to soar further.

I want to make this life worth living and look at everything with a renewed sense of positivity and passion.

By the end of our lifetime, we’ll all just be stories (comment if you know where this is from), and I want mine to be as thick as all of the encyclopedias in the world. I want my stories to be full of life lessons, growth, love, happiness, freedom, and most of all, adventure.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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