Hey You

Am I dreaming?

I hope not.

You finally found me

And now I feel like I’m floating

On cloud nine.

Where have you been?

Why did you take so long?

Well, it doesn’t matter now

Because you’re here.

And I’m here.

And we have eternity to make up

For lost time.

It seemed like just yesterday

You appeared in my dreams.

You consumed my thoughts.

You had me going crazy,

Wondering if you were truly mine.

I was beginning to lose hope.

I wanted to,

No, needed to

Get over this fascination

That someone like you was meant for

Someone like me.


As I look at you now,

Any trace of doubt disappeared.

You accepted parts of me that

I had yet to forgive.

You saw past my highly guarded walls

And little did I know, you were quickly

Breaking your way through them.

You never gave up on me even when

I was giving up on myself.

Heck, you’ve made me laugh about

My mistakes and failures

More than I could ever imagine.

You helped fight my inner and outer battles

And stayed with me until

I came out stronger

And more passionate than ever.

I love waking up next to you every morning,

And receiving your goodnight kisses even when

You’d come home late at night

And I’m already fast asleep.

I love listening to you about your day

And hearing you gush about your goals

And everything you want to accomplish in life.

I love seeing the spark in your eyes whenever

You’re working on your creativity or

Preparing for your next project or even when

I’d catch you looking at me randomly.

Your cheeks would get so red, but you’d

Always admit to it & give me tons of

Cuddles and kisses.

When we’d argue, we’d get some space,

Go back to each other with pouty expressions,


And talk things out.

Even when I was being a stubborn Scorpio,

You’d always make sure that

We’d resolve our problems

Before going to bed that night.

I sometimes truly wonder how you’re

Able to put up with

Someone like me.

I love exploring the world

And this life with you.

My life was already full of sunshine,

But things got a whole lot brighter

When you came into it.

You taught me what it’s like to experience

True Love.

Every day that I’m with you,

I slowly understand

Why God made me wait

This long

To be with you.

Keep being inspired and take care always,


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