goals and aspirations
Conquer | Endings And Beginnings
This is my life, and I am going to make it a life to remember for eternity.
The Ultimate College Goals List
To the current and upcoming college students, take it one day at a time and believe and continue working on yourself and your abilities.
30 things To Do Before 30
Before I welcome my 30s, there are still I would love to accomplish in my 20s.
The Ultimate High School Goals List
To the current and upcoming high school students, enjoy these four years.
Spring Healing | 56 Activities For Healing During Spring Season
As we enter the season of growth, we are reminded to heal any wounds that are still hurting the heart, mind, and soul.
31 Goals This Christmas Season
With only 24 days left until we get to stay in our pajamas the entire day, unwrap gifts, tell stories, watch movies, eat mouthwatering food, and simply spend time with our loved ones, our to-do list is probably longer than we had imagined.
Get Ready For More Adventures, Resting Period
Day 26 of 30 Letters In 30 Days – Your Current Lifestyle
There’s Too Many Of You, Wildest Dreams
Day 24 of 30 Letters In 30 Days – Your Wildest Dreams
I Should’ve Tried Harder For You, Explore
Day 6 of 30 Letters In 30 Days – Your Biggest Regret